Delivering solutions for your success

BROKER+ can assist you in widening your markets by attracting prospects and clients that speak primary languages other than English.

There are approximately 229 million people in the U.S. that speak English as their main lanugage. But there are 52 million others that do not -- or about 23% of the market. Do you really want to ignore them? Why cut yourself out of this marketplace when you do not have to? The ratio of non-English speaking to English speaking consumers changes more significantly when you move your sights off-shore to the international community.

Cross the language barriers

Bring focus to the increasing numbers of non-English speaking consumers.

A multi-lingual website is an effective way to create a postive impact on non-English speaking consumers who surfing the Internet.

Create a larger following and generate more revenue

A prospect is 3 times more likely to close a transaction when the communications involving the transaction are in the prospect's native language. Generate goodwill and new business by showing the international community that you care enough to talk with them.

Gain a competitive edge

Less than 15% of American corporations have a multi-lingual website. Be a game changer by speaking your clients' languages.

Would you like to triple your franchise's market?

Only 35% of global website users speak English as their first or second language

Building a multi-lingual website helps build your credibility in the international Internet marketplace and attracts more traffic to your site.

Prospects are more likely to close a transaction with you if you are speaking their language

The top six (6) languages in the Internet user community are English, Chinese (14% of the market by themselves), Spanish, Japanese, German and French. By having a multi-lingual website that features content in these languages you will increase your market from 35% of the world's Internet users to around 80%! Showing your prospects and clients that you care about them can make a large difference.